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Showing posts from November, 2018

Craving a "Routine"

Dominic has not been in school since Tuesday of last week. He craves his "routine" and predictability. Saturday night, Dominic seemed kind of "off."  Yesterday morning, it was continuing. Given that he has had nine seizures, my mind instantly went to that. I kept encouraging him to lie down and rest. He kept telling me no. We decided to decorate the Christmas tree in our living room on Sunday. The hubby put the lights on and Lauren, Dominic and I started putting on the ornaments. Dominic didn't crack a smile the entire time we were decorating, he was actually unsteady on his feet and his pupils were dilated.  I started getting really concerned and was thinking I should call the pediatric neurologist on call. Before I did that, I decided to try something first. I took him into the family room, had him sit on my lap and let him snuggle and close his eyes for a bit. I had Lauren turn off one of the lights. We stayed in the other room for about 15 minutes. After tha...

Comfort Zones

So, what is your "comfort zone?" The place you feel the most comfortable? For me, that place is the kitchen. Earlier this week, a group of my friends and I were treated to some "gourmet" cooking lessons. The location was kind of in the middle of nowhere, up a dirt road. The house was brown and looked very non-descript from the outside. We had to walk down a bunch of steep steps outside to get to the kitchen. It was worth every single step to get there, because once you opened up the door, it was like you were on the set of a Food Network set! For this gal, I was in HEAVEN . I am what you would call a "self-taught" cook/baker. My mom instilled in me the love of baking, but cooking for me has been trial and error. I started my food blog almost seven years ago, because I wanted to share my love of cooking and baking with other home cooks. One of the highlights of my life was when I got a call from the producers of the Rachael Ray Show on the way home from ...