Friday, January 2, 2015

A Mom is ALWAYS Prepared!

In the Fall of 2014, I started co-teaching a religious education class. During one of the classes recently, as I was reading a portion of the lesson, I heard one of the little boys in the class say, "my finger is bleeding!" About half the class went over to "investigate," and everything came to a grinding halt. His finger definitely needed a Band-Aid, so I told him. "hold on, let me check my purse!" He was like, "purse?" Sure enough, within seconds, I had located one and quickly put it on his finger. I think he was glad I was prepared! Since it took us until Dominic was over eight years old to get him potty trained, I always had a diaper or a Pull-Up on me at all times. Even though Lauren is now an adult, she has been known on more than one occasion to say, "mom, do you have anything to eat in your purse?" I don't cart around a three course meal in there, but I do make sure I have at least one granola bar! Sometimes I still wish I carried a diaper bag, because you could put all kinds of stuff in there.  While smaller purses are cute, I often wondered, where would a mom with kids out of diapers put things her kids might need?!?! You can only fit so much in a pocket! I have tried carrying a smaller purse, but it just didn't feel like, "me." I guess I'm just one of those gals that likes a big purse! My family and I traveled back to Maryland for the holidays and we stayed the entire time at my parents house. One of the days we were there, I was searching for Dominic's medication and literally turned their house upside down trying to find it! My dad was watching me and I think he was wondering what the heck I was doing. I had already checked my purse once, but decided maybe I should look again. Guess what? The medication was in there! Good grief. Wouldn't it be great if our children came with an "owner's" manual? That's unrealistic because each child is different! According to, prepared means, "properly expectant, organized or equipped; ready." As moms, aren't we always ready for anything? If your child falls down and scrapes their knee, don't we always have a hug or a kiss available to wipe away the tears? I have been known to give another mom a Kleenex when her child has a runny nose. When we are preparing to travel in the car for hours, I pack up a "snack bag" full of pretzels, etc. Sometimes, we don't even make it out of our neighborhood, before Dominic or Lauren will say, "I'm hungry!" From a very young age, I guess I've had the "mom" instinct. I loved my "dollies," when I was little and I tried to always "mother" them.  My own mom was a stay-at-home mom for a long time and I knew that I always wanted to be one too. Yesterday, Dominic and I made some homemade pumpkin muffins because two of Lauren's friends were coming over to our house to visit and I know they like them. Later in the evening, Lauren was seeing two of her former "cheer" buddies. I put together a plate of muffins and told Lauren to give them to her friends. I wrote a little note on top and said, "Love, Mom "B." I am always "prepared" to share my love of baking!

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Presume Competence

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